
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Let's talk about sex

Folks I have a problem.  For the past month i’ve been spending a couple nights a week in a bed that is not my own.  I’m no stranger to FWB situations or random hook-ups.  In fact, I do enjoy having a steady friend with benefits every once in a while.  

So what’s the problem?  Well I’ve discussed before the importance of not having sex too early, especially when you’re looking for a relationship.  
My dilemma: This particular man is not in the market for said relationship.  
Oddly enough he is also not in the market for casual sex.  
Wait a minute - so the guy doesn’t want casual sex, but also doesn’t want a relationship? 
Quite the paradox yes?

What exactly is happening then?  At his request the sleepovers in question have stayed relatively PG until recently.  A few nights ago innocent cuddling turned into a pretty heavy, basically naked make-out session.  Now I won’t go into too much detail but needless to say 60 more seconds in that situation and I was going to jump him.

Well that looks familiar.

Unfortunately, being the level-headed one at the time I put on the breaks and we resumed innocent cuddling status.  

More like semi-innocent cuddling status.

My dear readers I will tell you one thing - I was not very happy.

Now to be fair, I did put myself in this situation.  I went over to his house fully intending on going home to my own bed - even if he asked me to stay - as I was still slightly upset about a conversation we had the previous week (more on that later).  
I have absolutely zero willpower when it comes to this man.  Well I suppose that’s not true; if I had zero we might have ended up having sex that night.

To be completely honest I really want to sleep with him.  I’ve never met anyone who can make me feel the way he does.  We’ve spent countless hours running our hands over each other’s bodies in the most sensual and surprisingly nonsexual way possible.  

My mind often wanders while going about my day to those moments and I’ll shiver and smile in anticipation of the next time I can be with him.  I know I won’t be disappointed if the day ever comes when we do sleep together.

Unfortunately for me this will all remain just a fantasy.  Because no matter how much I want to have sex with this man I know I want a real relationship with him more.  Knowing full well that he does not want a relationship with me renders the whole topic a moot point.

So what’s a girl to do? 
Continue to compromise myself by sleeping over and eventually having my feelings hurt down the road?
Stop seeing him all together and be hurt immediately?

I'll probably choose the more fun and exciting path.

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