
Sunday, April 7, 2013


As I sat at my computer this evening I could tell something didn’t feel quite right.  Maybe it was that it was growing dark outside, or perhaps it had something to do with the somber music I was listening to... but I’ll admit I was feeling lonely and sad.  Pinterest usually perks me right up so I logged on to the website.  There is just something about the motivational photos, recipes, and DIY projects that really cheers a person up.

It has been a while since I cleaned up and reorganized my boards, so that’s where I started.  My chest started to ache when I glanced over my wedding board.  Knowing it wouldn’t be a good idea I double clicked and started scrolling through all the beautiful images of the perfect fall wedding I had been planning.

No, I was never engaged, but my previous boyfriend and I had been rather serious.  We had been living together right before the split and had even discussed rings at one point.  Every woman has a wedding board on their pinterest account.  Naturally as my relationship grew I began pinning things that incorporated his style and favorite colors with mine.  Tears started to form as I sat staring at the bouquet/boutonniere set I knew he would have loved.

Disappointment swelled within me.  I had planned a life with this man.  Many of the items on my dream home board were also things we had talked about incorporating into our home.  I thought back to a video by Matthew Hussey I had watched a month ago about heartbreak.

In the video Matthew discusses the two places pain like this stems from:
  1. Believing this person was your soulmate and you have now lost them forever.  You’ll     be hurt for a long time because you think they were THE ONE.
  2. You realize this isn’t you losing your soulmate, just being disappointed because this particular person didn’t turn out to be THE ONE. 

Someone had asked me about two months after this last boyfriend and I broke up why I didn’t seem more upset.  They thought it was strange that I had seemingly moved on so quickly.  I really believe that it was because I recognized that he wasn’t THE ONLY one for me.  Yes I was sad and disappointed the relationship wasn’t what I thought it was, but I was ready to move on to find the right relationship.

Watch the video and send it to anyone you think might benefit from seeing it.

Keep in mind that you’ll probably have some bad days just like I am tonight.  It’s important to remember, however, that there will be plenty of good ones as well. :)

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